Want to be an HR analytics leader? — Milestone

Want to be an HR analytics leader?

Looking at society one can easily see that we have been evolving a lot, technologically speaking, which has led people to adopt new ways of living, working and even socialising. In the past couple of years this choice has been pressed upon us in various sectors of activity and even in personal interactions.

In the business world, the individual-company relationship has faced this challenge and seen the emergence of new ways of approaching talent leadership. Milestone has studied and analysed these issues and developed a solution to support people managers in such leadership. This solution is more than just a common analysis of an employee’s profile. It can index an employee’s life cycle to predict their behaviours and recommend how to develop, attract or retain talent.

The secret lies in people-centric knowledge management. With this holistic view of the employee, we are able to look to the future and determine the best strategy for the leadership of our greatest asset: human capital.

Want to be an HR analytics leader?

Stay tuned for our upcoming articles. We have the solution for becoming an HR analytics leader – HXM Analytics


Contact us for more information: milestone@milestone.pt / www.milestone.pt



Jorge Afonso

Analytics Manager



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